These grants are usually paid directly to your place of study.
Grants are paid directly to successful applicants, usually into their bank accounts. These can be contributions towards the cost of accommodation, food, and groceries, household bills, travel to college, etc.
Yes, we can make awards for essential tools and items of equipment. Where a grant has been made for something specific (such as for childcare or to pay for some tools), payments are usually made directly to the supplier, on receipt of invoices.
Young people who grow up in low-waged homes face major barriers in their lives and life chances, especially when it comes to finding and paying for the kind of training and work opportunities they want. This is why our grants need to reach applicants from families who have been dependent on benefits or on low wages for years.
Applicants must come from families where the gross annual household income is under £26,000 and has been so for some years. We cannot accept requests from anyone who does not come from this kind of financial background.
It also means that we are unable to help in instances where a family living in relative affluence has fallen temporarily on hard times.
We ask all applicants about their family’s financial circumstances, no matter how old they are, or if they now live independently. The only exceptions are where family relationships have broken down and/or if applicants are parted from their family (e.g., through seeking asylum). We will confirm this when approaching applicants’ referees in confidence.
No, we wish we could meet all applicants face-to-face to learn more about their particular needs, but this is not possible. Instead we rely on referees to tell us more about each applicant’s unique circumstances.
Yes.We encourage applicants to research and apply to as many charities as they can.
Many charities like ours work together to help someone to realise their ambitions. We all rely on beneficiaries keeping us up to date about their successes in obtaining funds from other sources.
Applying to other charities will not jeopardise your chances of receiving an award, so long as you still have costs to cover
No, applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Our funds are limited, and applicants are therefore strongly encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible.
The Board of Directors and Trustees will consider applications throughout the year, the months are as follows: September to December and March to June.
The Wolverhampton African-Caribbean Foundation Trust is a group of committed individuals concerned about the relative disadvantage experienced by young people, but more significantly black and ethnic minority backgrounds in the West Midlands.